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Yet they are being steamrollered by health organizations and anti-smoking citizens' groups that have succeeded in revolutionizing governmental attitudes toward smoking.
It's too bad, though, that Mr. Edgar didn't just stick with revolutionizing art history rather than trying to revolutionize the world.
He is best known for his contributions to New Criticism in the mid-20th century and for revolutionizing the teaching of poetry in American higher education.
Blizzard Entertainment's use of three distinct races in 'StarCraft' is widely credited with revolutionizing the real-time strategy genre.
Lawson was well versed in and strongly committed to the theory of Evolution which was then revolutionizing comparative morphology, a major branch of botanical studies.
In the last twenty years or so new materials have appeared which were hailed as the results of brave new technology, revolutionizing such fields of applications as aerospace.
Tsien is renowned for revolutionizing the fields of cell biology and neurobiology by allowing scientists to peer inside living cells and watch the behavior of molecules in real time.
Despite her revolutionizing of style and her acknowledged status as the creator of what has since become a big business, much of Mrs. de Wolfe's greatest work survives only in photographs.
Empirical laws were derived that allowed electricity and magnetism to be exploited-dynamos, electric motors, and alternators were all in the process of revolutionizing life, though their effects would take a while to percolate through society.
This is described in further detail by S. Wheelright and K. Clark in Revolutionizing Product Development (1992), p. 40-41; at the beginning of the section titled "Product/Market Planning and Strategy".
As a literary critic Alonso's impact was substantial; in particular he is credited with revolutionizing the study of Spanish Baroque poetry, particularly the work of Góngora, and his critical work was praised for its intellectual rigour.
There is absolutely no doubt that the Synclavier System was "the" pioneer system in revolutionizing the movie and television sound effects and Foley effects methods of design and production starting at Glen Glenn Sound.
But once the Go-on Mach Team arrives, Straw Banki is defeated by the duo before Industrial Revolutionizing and scrapped by Bearrv, Bus-on, Seiku-Oh, and GunBir-Oh.
Former Commissioner Paul Tagliabue credits ESPN for revolutionizing the NFL: "ESPN was able to take the draft, the pregame and highlight shows, and other NFL programming to a new level."
If there's a surprise here aside from Steve Jobs losing one to Wal-Mart, it could only be that Wal-Mart a company famous for revolutionizing distribution and sales has just opted to protect an old business model as opposed to really challenging it.
AFI has been hailed by numerous publications for contributing to the modern melodic hardcore and post-hardcore genres and revolutionizing deathrock; in 2006 MTV executive Amy Doyle called the band "one of the most compelling live rock bands today."
Gone are the days when Internet retailers could dangle 10,000 stock options, utter a few words about revolutionizing the process of buying gravel, say, and then get a prospective employee to sign on for a galley slave's salary and 16-hour days in close quarters with 24-year-olds and their Labradors.
One does not have to agree with Shumiatski's aim of revolutionizing the masses to accept these remarks as a nice corrective to those views of Chaplin as a proletarian and whatever the political reasoning they do offer insights into the psychology and social psychology of the 'little man's' persona.
Dr. Alexander T. Trott, a professor of emergency medicine at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, whose commentary on the study also appears in the journal, said the study "heralds a new technique and product that can come close to revolutionizing the way we care for lacerations."
Among the most noted programs begun at DSO during this time were the Revolutionizing Prosthetics Program to provide neural controlled fully functional limbs to wounded warriors, a comprehensive biodefense thrust known as Accelerating Critical Therapeutics, and numerous programs in fundamental mathematics, engineering, and human performance.
In The Other Brain: From Dementia to Schizophrenia, How New Discoveries about the Brain Are Revolutionizing Medicine and Science, he explains recent discoveries in glia research and looks at what breakthroughs in brain science and medicine are likely to come."
Apart from revolutionising health care, it may also give new impetus to the creation of jobs and economic development.
He is considered responsible for revolutionising grape growing due to his work on canopy management techniques.
Constant revolutionising of production, uninterrupted disturbance of all social conditions, everlasting uncertainty and agitation distinguish the bourgeois epoch from all earlier ones.
The system is being deployed as one of the accredited systems in the government's programme of revolutionising IT in the NHS.
It continues by adding that the bourgeois exploits the proletariat through the "constant revolutionising of production [and] uninterrupted disturbance of all social conditions".
In 2012, the cricket journalist Steven Lynch wrote that Fender "can probably be credited with revolutionising the [cricket] tour book.
The Energy Act 2011 includes provisions for the new 'Green Deal', which intends to reduce carbon emissions cost effectively by revolutionising the energy efficiency of British properties.
Mary, on her return to Scotland, brought an entourage of French staff who are considered responsible for revolutionising Scots cooking and for some of Scotland's unique food terminology.
Football pundits give Wenger credit for his contribution to the revolutionising of football in England in the late 1990s through the introduction of changes in the training and diet of players.
There was a public hall at Clapton where Ben had chanced on some really good music--just one night of it, and quite by chance--and this, to his mind, ennobled the Claptonites; there was the place in which to start the revolutionising of the musical world.
It went on to say that a resolution of the relationship between the two countries would "assist in the revolutionising of the international and British proletariat .... make it possible for us to extend and develop the ideas of Leninism in England and the Colonies."
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