Fire destroyed the family residence and main production building in 1980.
In the 1960s, the home was again purchased and turned into a single family residence.
During this period, in 1815 it was turned from a family residence into a private school.
The building has not been used as a family residence since 1939.
The present house was originally built around 1850 as a family residence.
However, Grey died the following year at his family residence.
It was built between 1897 and 1900 as a single family residence.
The control tower has been turned into a family residence.
The home is being maintained as a single family residence.
The family residence was in the east wing, and on the floor below.
Away they all went and moved into the family mansion there.
The only blacks he'd known personally were those who had been servants in his family mansion.
The children become orphans after their parents are killed in a fire at the family mansion.
A family mansion built in the late nineteenth century is now a National Historical site open to the public.
That he was allowed to retain a portion of his estate with the family mansion is clear from ii.
She and her twin celebrated their nineteenth birthday the night before at the family mansion.
From there he skipped to the events at Madeleine's family mansion.
Jesse has returned to this old family mansion after his parents were murdered when he was a baby.
All that was left to her was the old family mansion.
They live in a fine old family mansion, and are among the best people of the town.