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These are rhetorical questions, I really would like to know.
We had to answer, for his questions were not just rhetorical.
Sometimes he would answer what seemed to have been his own rhetorical questions.
One would ask a rhetorical question, the other had the answer.
In a rhetorical sense, he goes over the middle without fear.
He knows enough not to answer when I ask a rhetorical question.
She had no idea whether that was a rhetorical question or not.
The question was rhetorical, of course, so I said nothing.
It was a rhetorical question and did not need an answer.
It was a rhetorical question, as he felt a change coming over him.
He looks up, waiting for an answer to this rhetorical question.
It was a rhetorical question; we all knew the answer.
It was a rhetorical question, and yet he seemed to be waiting for an answer.
This is a rhetorical question, because I am quite sure it must have.
It was a rhetorical question, but she could see him making the effort to give her an answer.
He had no answer, and apparently took the question as rhetorical.
Despite its rhetorical form, the question seemed to have real meaning.
Again, he asked the rhetorical question, Yes, but is it art?
On a rhetorical note, then, a matter that seems to me to be important.
All know his question is largely rhetorical, and so they do not answer.
He seems to actually be thinking up an answer to my rhetorical statement.
It was a rhetorical question, and he went right on without waiting for my response.
"You now see him using the rhetorical power of the Presidency."
But most of the time, his rhetorical aim was much higher.
I thought the question was rhetorical, but he waited for an answer.