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My husband said no, but we have a rice cooker.
If using rice cooker, cover and cook until light goes on.
Do you own more than one pot for your rice cooker?
Four years later, rice cookers could be found in half of Japanese homes.
We cook like that a lot at home, where the rice cooker is useful.
Dedicated rice cookers date from long ago in human history.
But don’t put the rice cooker away just yet.
Did someone think the world needed a camouflage-veneered rice cooker?
Most dedicated home rice cookers are of the electric type.
It takes about 30 minutes to 1 hour for most electric rice cookers to complete cooking.
The introduction of automatic rice cookers in the 1960s changed all that.
Her husband responded the couple had a rice cooker to make quinoa.
Others use two electrical power points inside the park's public toilets for their rice cookers.
Almost any grain or even couscous can be made in a rice cooker.
I can easily see these stacked up next to the camouflage rice cooker.
An excellent example was Castro's giving everyone a rice cooker as a present when he is worth millions.
But this idea has stirred up a tempest in a rice cooker.
Dishes that can be made in a rice cooker include beef stew.
It is then fermented for several hours in a rice cooker at 60 C and served.
People did not have enough rice to cook in their rice cooker.
Another device that has transformed life for millions of women is the electric rice cooker.
Modern rice cookers may include a shamoji in the box, usually made of white plastic.
Some rice cookers can steam vegetables or even bake bread.
I’m assuming you have electrical power, at least from a generator, or else your rice cooker won’t work very well.
Favorite gadget: You can live your entire life never cooking with anything but a rice cooker.