Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
"Perhaps I could riddle about a bit with the data?"
He could not begin to riddle what was being shown.
One hint of a wrong move and they would riddle her.
He thought of them not at all, had long ago learned to look past that which no man could riddle out.
Every time the man had gone near Julia, he'd wanted to riddle him with lead.
This was no time to try to riddle with the control responses.
He sat and thought hard as the night hours passed away, trying to riddle out She meaning of the words.
The top reasons of this is the law and order problem riddling the state.
He was holding it now trying to riddle the meaning of the case.
They'll riddle you with bullets before you've gone a hundred feet.
She turned back to the dresser and began riddling with her hair.
At any moment now he supposed the animal would charge over here and riddle him.
"We will riddle him four times to begin with," Roland said.
Close to one of them the girl was riddling with something I couldn't see.
She almost hoped he'd come back to life and riddle her body with bullets.
Or am I going to purely riddle your shell and let all the air out?
When I give the word, you can proceed to riddle him with bullets.
He appeared to be riddling with some piece of apparatus behind the door.
Carlotta tried to understand what was the matter, but she could not riddle his meaning.
"You could hear how excited he was at the idea of riddling again after all these years.
I'm not good with incomprehensible things, like magic and riddling.
Of course it wasn't her body that I was about to riddle with bullets.
"You thought she might riddle the mystery of the Thistledown?"
There are, so far, none of the problems with drugs, weapons or pregnancy that riddle other city schools.
She was silent, riddling, he suspected, though her expression changed very little.