Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
He rifted down the bags and they were fairly heavy.
By the end of the era, the continents had rifted into nearly their present form.
He circled my throat with one hand and rifted the other to punch me in the face.
The water was so deep now that when the waves came and rifted them up, his toes no longer touched the bottom.
In Japan the main technology base is a part of the country that was "rifted" from Earth's past.
The corners of his mouth rifted in amusement at the inappropriate question, asked so matter-of-factly.
God how it rifted and rotted through England!
A cloud of rooks rifted from the trees as the rock disappeared into the greenery.
With a smile, Anna rifted her head.
The hand is lifted; The gates are rifted; The sound is as thunder!
The South Atlantic did not develop uniformly; rather, it rifted from south to north.
Tasmania was rifted off during this stage.
He was tenderly rifted onto the side of the pool, where one of the girls attempted to breathe some life back into him.
According to these authors, a small rim from Euramerica rifted off when this basin formed.
North America is predicted to have already collided with Africa, but be in a more southerly position than where it rifted.
Finally, the Predator rifted the armored external skull away from the Alien body and placed it aside.
It rifted apart 545 million years ago, or only 65 million years after it formed.
Noah rifted his head sharply, eyeing Jericho narrowly.
It eventually rifted off, becoming a drifting microcontinent.
Gently, he rifted her chin.
Australia rifted from Antarctica in the Cretaceous.
He rifted a strand of Shiaine's hair with a finger; she still did not move; her eyes stared unblinking.
He rifted a brow.
He rifted his hips.
When the actors updated, the artificials couldn't handle the new information; it rifted them."