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According to the Church, people have a right to private property.
The right to private property is protected under the law.
Respect the law, the right to private property and personal liberty.
In a civil society such as Canada, no one has absolute rights to private property.
Upholding the right to private property but in controlling it for the public good.
He defended the right to private property and called Communism a failed ideology.
For example, what about ensuring the right to private property and accepting the principles of contract law?
Due to a lack of political will, rights to private property supersede collective ones.
It "violates the right to private property and opens a dangerous door," he says.
Catholic Social Teaching has always upheld the right to private property.
Thus, while people have the right to private property, they should give it away as enlightened altruists.
The right to private property would be constitutionally guaranteed.
Rights to private property, including the right to own land, which was taboo under the Soviet constitution, are explicitly protected.
Liberalism also affirms the right to private property, but socialism and communism do not.
Protect South African farmers' right to private property to exercise their calling as farmers.
The Constitution of Belize protects the right to private property.
The Rwandan constitution stipulates that every person has the right to private property, whether personal or in association with others.
Everyone has the right to private property and can transfer it during his or her lifetime or on death, in accordance with the law.
Archbishop Corrigan, believed such reforms would violate an individual's right to private property.
The 1991 Constitution explicitly protects individual rights against state actions and upholds the right to private property.
It is there, more than anywhere, that European leaders must be uncompromising in any attempt to undermine the right to private property.
It was attracted to the emphasis in Islam on the right to private property, and its broadly defined concept of social justice.
Locke declares another limiting condition to the right to private property based on what one has "mixed his labour with."
However, Chinese women have historically held little rights to private property, both by societal customs and by law.
Capitalism - or really the concept of "liberalism" - arose in the 17th century, and centers on the right to private property.