Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Perhaps you'd rather stay here and read your riveting book.
Then something else took place that was even more riveting.
This is a riveting but by no means an easy book to read.
Even in the red light of the bar, they were riveting.
Almost any stretch of 5 or 10 minutes is riveting.
The talent is riveting and getting better with each new season.
But where they are putting them this season is riveting.
Even from across the room, those eyes were riveting and strange.
The stuff he wrote, because it came from the inside, was often riveting.
The second leg has seen some riveting action over the past two weeks.
The book is most riveting in its descriptions of the war.
This book will be riveting even for those who think they are not especially interested in the period or its problems.
The story of the fire was told during the tour I took as a student and it had a riveting effect.
There are other story lines here, but none as riveting.
But other children's work is riveting precisely because it never takes off.
Whatever happens Sunday should be riveting, as was today's action.
The eyes were riveting, dark brown, almost black, with diamond points at the back.
In spite of himself, David could see why the man was so riveting.
There have been at least two riveting examples this month.
But still, his was not a riveting, consistently strong call.
Is the level of discussion on talk radio all that deep or riveting?
She told them of her riveting personal experiences since the war began in August 1914.
Once inside, there is nothing especially riveting about the decor.
But the spectacle of the fight would be riveting in itself.
The most riveting event today was the men's 100 meters.