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Prices for roast turkeys are for the raw, not cooked, weight.
She has been roasting turkeys for 50 years.
His back is to the audience as he faces a low-lying banquet table with 12 roast turkeys.
We threw up Christmas trees, hung decorations and roasted turkeys in a variety of strange kitchens.
After he sees a procession of roast turkeys, his dream is to eat a whole roast turkey just by himself.
"I'd rather roast turkeys and bake chickens."
Our baskets quickly filled with bread, apples, pears, tomatoes, salads of all descriptions, roast turkeys and chickens.
One would have a Christmas party with Triscuits and cheese, the other had entire roasted turkeys and hams.
I’ve been roasting turkeys for more Thanksgivings than I want to count, but each year it feels as if I’m starting from scratch.
While ever more Americans are roasting turkeys at home, the big bird still hasn't found a large market among those seeking fast food or convenient everyday meals.
There are walking toilet bowls with a Superman insignia, roast turkeys with a sickle-and-hammer label.
It was the kind of day when most people ride waves or lie in hammocks, but I roast turkeys; I prune roses.
Come nightfall the tables are set up in the garden plots, and the feast is laid on: roast turkeys, beef, hams, all kinds of fowl.
And I mean any database, including things you’ve bookmarked about roasting turkeys on any of your Macs or Apple devices that are connected via iCloud.
Unlike traditional turkeys, the Chinese-style roasted turkeys are carefully steeped in a soy sauce marinade spiked with star anise, two different kinds of vinegar and sweet syrup.
The cooking began the Tuesday before the holiday at the soup kitchen and in kitchens throughout the neighborhood, where volunteers roasted turkeys, made vegetable soup, stuffing and fruit pies.
A gallery of the Baltic is hung floor to ceiling with disposable food containers on every scale, from the most meagre Chinese carryout to the largest tray for roasting turkeys.
Hale presented a series of appealing articles in her magazine, featuring descriptions and recipes of food now considered 'typical' of Thanksgiving, such as roasted turkeys, savory stuffing, and pumpkin pies.
According to a 1960 magazine article, the Kennedys would celebrate Thanksgiving in Hyannis Port, Mass., with two roasted turkeys: a gorgeously bronzed one to show guests and a second to carve and serve.
Boosted by a Thanksgiving feast with roasted turkeys on the eve of the advance, the morale was high among the UN ranks, and home by Christmas and Germany by spring was in everyone's mind.
The spray, which also sold out in the company’s stores in London and Leeds, also comes in silver, and can be used on roasted turkeys and chickens, as well as steaks and other cuts of meat.
They maintained an active social life, organized feasts where they ate and drank very well, cooked gumbo filé and rice, roasted turkeys and chickens, barbecued pigs and fish, smoked tobacco and drank rum."
Mr. Vanderstigchel likes to add a twist to his dishes: roasting turkeys with apples instead of bread stuffing for an aromatic touch and string beans sautéed with orange juice and maple syrup as an alternative to almonds.
The smaller outdoor pool is livelier; one afternoon an elderly couple regaled us with charming tales of the desert critters that skulk around the campground, especially on Thanksgiving when the smells of roasting turkeys waft out of the RVs.
Families, the majority of which are better kept apart, are suddenly thrown together for a ritual feast lasting several days, plowing their way through a few million roast turkeys, mince pies and Christmas puddings and cakes, not to mention swimming the alcohol lake.