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They had a very ropey season last year and were poor the year before too.
She's lost so many times since and it's generally agreed that she is the only good thing (great thing) in a decidedly ropey film.
The Independent praised it for telling the truth about the often ropey quality of British cinema.
A starter of braised pork belly disappointed, presenting surprisingly ropey flesh.
The fete proved very popular and was repeated the following year to raise money for the then very ropey playing field in the village.
The Tories have ropey numbers but the Labour cabinet doesn't have the credibility to attack them.
"All those ropey muscles on their neck, folks start thinking that maybe they have them in other places as-" Lonnic thumped her glass on the tabletop.
With news of two much-deserved awards for outstanding skill and service within the hospitality industry, my thoughts focused this week on the generally ropey state of hotel service in this country.
A long boulevard running from Plaça Catalunya to the sea, La Rambla (9) is mostly pedestrianised, and is flanked with handsome buildings (and, admittedly, some fairly ropey tourist-trap restaurants).
What we might be seeing is the decline of art for arts sake - which I agree is a potentially ropey position to be in as a Global community - but as for the discipline of writing itself, no, that will never die.