Of the thousands of checks sent to The New York Times Neediest Cases Fund each year, the majority are for round sums - $10, $50, $100 or $1,000.
A locksmith . . . twenty dollars, a round sum: that suggested a job outside the shop--probably driving out and making a duplicate key.
Peggy was asked if she would do it, and being a stouthearted lass she consented, for a round sum, to try it.
"Oh, a tolerably round sum!"
Twenty pounds, a round sum, for the monthly wages and books.
I have a good banker in this city, but I would not wish to draw upon the house until the time when I shall draw for a round sum.
It was stacked with vast bundles of cash and securities, totaling the very round sum of two million dollars, all pillaged from the heavy treasuries of trusting clubs that were helping in the expansion of the A.B.A.
"Yes, sire, it is a round sum."
The difference, workers there said, comes from estimating the specific costs of needed equipment like fuel nozzles or radios, while the Pentagon assumes a round sum will be spent on anti-tank missiles, for example, without estimating actual numbers or cost.
Doubtless fifty thousand was originally mentioned as a round sum," said I, "or, at least, so Bellairs supposed.