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He was a quiet fellow, with a record free from complaints, and we made him roundsman.
In May 1861, he was promoted to a roundsman and then a sergeant three months later.
On these a roundsman can earn £15,000 a year or more.
The man in charge of the school was a roundsman, Petty, whom we promoted to sergeant.
A roundsman earned $5 more a month than a patrolman.
He took up a journalism position with the News of the World, beginning as a police roundsman before becoming a sports columnist.
I immediately promoted him to roundsman.
Elsewhere the Roundsman and Labour rate were used.
At this time, Morton was subsisting on doing odd jobs such as ditch digger and milk roundsman.
He was expected to earn as much as he could; that was the point of the "roundsman" system.
The roundsman system was discontinued by the Poor Law Amendment Act 1834.
One case was that of an old fellow, a veteran of the Civil War, who was at the time a roundsman.
Some day, when The Dutchman was dead, he would write a book and he possessed secrets that no roundsman could even guess at.
Story was born in Hertford in 1917, the son of a baker's roundsman and a domestic servant.
Milk roundsman: "A Jew don't do no work, not the same as what an Englishman does.
From his official appointment on April 23, 1857, Bogart rose from roundsman, to sergeant and finally captain within only a few years.
He rose more slowly in rank than many of his peers, becoming a roundsman in 1895, then sergeant and police captain within the next two years.
I should feel obliged to stipulate that Marshal Serrano be reduced to the rank of constable, or even roundsman.
Roosevelt had ordered every patrolman and roundsman to take down the names on every doctor's shingle on his beat.
Robert Johnson, lately Milk Roundsman.
On September 16, 1881, he was made a roundsman, and on May 28, 1884, he was promoted to a sergeant.
On December 2, 1864, McDonnell won promotion to roundsman for his brave conduct in arresting a negro burglar.
Philatelic Magazine, "Engraved by a Baker's Roundsman," 31 October 1958, pp.
The best local winner of the day was former baker's roundsman Arthur Whiting from Dursley in Gloucestershire.
He gradually rose through the ranks becoming a roundsman on April 2, 1880, a sergeant on March 6, 1883, and a captain on December 8, 1890.