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"Companies have had to routinize invention and innovation.
In 1958 the two sides quietly reached a novel agreement to further routinize their conflict and save money: They would shell each other every other day.
In other words, thanks to Bibi's having routinized the peace process, many Israelis want to get on with it, finish it and look to the future.
She noted that Howard University Hospital has been able to routinize HIV testing.
While he was in Baghdad, he also set up a network of agents, termed "witnesses", in Iran and Iraq to routinize the charismatic authority of the movement.
Charisma can be a revolutionary force and the authority can either be routinized (change into other forms of authority) or disappear upon the death of the charismatic person.
In 1960 the very first NHLs were designated by congress, but in the 1960s the process was routinized to be handled by the Department of the Interior.
"Companies have tried to routinize these jobs, making them as similar as possible to the old assembly line work where you left your mind at home and tightened bolts all day," she said.
When the problem of succession has to be solved, rules have to be formulated: charisma has to be routinized unless one charismatic leader has been successfully challenged by another.
Mr. Roh said that if the exchange is successful, he hoped to "routinize mutual visits" on several national holidays during the year, eventually clearing the way for mutual visits at all times.
Shivakumar Katte, that later on, the then 'Awarwadi' might have been routinized as Amareshwarwadi, Amarwadi, Awarwadi, Awaradi, Awarad and the present Aurad.
Ultimately, the authority of colonial regimes depended on the superior military forces of the metropole, which could easily defeat organised resistance but could neither routinize authority nor gain legitimacy (ibid.: 157).
"Once it's routinized into the governance process, it becomes a very useful tool," said Mr. Grasso, who sits on the boards of two companies with lead directors, Home Depot and Computer Associates.
The study showed that transnational police information sharing was routinized in the cross-Channel region from 1968 on the basis of agreements directly between the police agencies and without any formal agreement between the countries concerned.
These statistics, risk factors and missed opportunities for screening illuminate the need to go beyond raising awareness about HIV and begin active integration of initiatives that will help routinize HIV services.
Siegel's Objections But Mr. Siegel of the civil liberties union said the form would "routinize the process," because the officer would just fill out boxes and not give in writing a detailed description of what he observed.
As president, Mr. Levin has tried to "routinize a close connection" with the city by urging new deans and directors to develop programs with an outreach component, for example, and uniting downtown merchants behind a voluntary added tax.
Seeking to explain the attraction of the New Left protest movements, he characterized them as the result of widespread affluence, which, in his words, "is robbing a modern society of whatever it has left of puberty rites to routinize the attainment of manhood."
Weber also notes that legal domination is the most advanced, and that societies evolve from having mostly traditional and charismatic authorities to mostly rational and legal ones, because the instability of charismatic authority inevitably forces it to "routinize" into a more structured form of authority.
For example, they might negotiate with other organizations in society, or with other states to routinize what was previously uncertain, Sixth, a more internal response is to develop 'programmes', 'repertoires', and standing operating procedures, all of which are devices to enable organizations to embody their past experiences of problems (organizational learning).
A subsequent chapter will address the question of how this threat is routinized by members of the RUC generally, but at this juncture it is worth considering how the management's dilemma leads them to organize community and neighbourhood policing in an area like West Belfast, where attack is imminent.
The real danger of the administration's anything-goes message, they say, was that it fatally routinized and bureaucratized the coercive impulse, and once that message had made its way down the chain of command to the grunt level, it ordained in effect that all of Islam should be considered a ticking bomb.