"rozcinać" in inglés — Polish-inglés dictionary | see "rozcinać" in Polish


the image to "cut" in Polish
  1. cut *****
  2. slit *
    • rozcinać (np. kopertę), przecinać (np. opony)
      She slit the envelope and read the letter.
  3. gash
  1. split ***
    • rozciąć, skaleczyć [TRANSITIVE]
      I've split my hand after I broke the plate.
      This knife is very sharp, don't split your hand.
      He wanted to split my leg but I managed to escape.
      A sharp knife split her finger.
  2. cut open
    • rozciąć (np. paprykę)
      We have to cut open his abdomen.
      Cut the pepper open.
  3. abscind literary
  1. cut something open
    • rozciąć coś (np. głowę, kolano)
      He fell down and cut his head open.
      I cut my finger open cooking.

Related phrases — "rozcinać"
