Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
He was tall and ruggedly built, perhaps an old military man.
Ruggedly, rocks are around the edge and barely above water.
Out at sea, beyond my window, the wind blew ruggedly from the north.
The church looked out on the ruggedly beautiful countryside that surrounded it.
The patient was a ruggedly handsome man with dark curling hair.
Women were apt to describe his face as ruggedly handsome.
"Of the two you seem to be somewhat more ruggedly healthy than she is.
Even if the man were not ruggedly handsome, they would have done the same, but perhaps with less sincerity.
But "in Clara, because she had so much personal force, it came across as ruggedly handsome."
The look on what ought to have been a ruggedly handsome face was one of black despair.
His face was ruggedly hewn, but with clean, strong lines.
And behind them, instead of a machine, stood a ruggedly handsome cowboy.
Its ruggedly beautiful landscape is painted in every shade of green and brown.
He didn't have that pretty look some men had, but there was something about him she found ruggedly appealing.
The image of that ruggedly chiseled face flashed in her mind.
Between them was a tall and ruggedly built man in his mid-forties.
His ruggedly familiar features had been roughened over the years.
Charles Stuart was ruggedly handsome, athletic but not the kind of student his wife became.
The ruggedly handsome face looked impatient and his size was quite intimidating.
Timmy was Dan's age and a really ruggedly handsome guy even then.
Science City is a ruggedly built see-it-yourself show, with no supervision.
He meant they were ruggedly built and would hold their own in a jailhouse disturbance.
His ruggedly handsome face loomed above her, and their bodies were close enough to touch.
Pete's father, a large, ruggedly built man, jumped up as the boys entered.
She was a stout boat, fast and ruggedly built for heavy weather.