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What's the point of running an advertisement in which the brand name is not clear?
The company received nearly 1,600 inquiries about the building before ever running an advertisement, a spokesman said.
The center, which offers its services without charge, recently ran an advertisement in the subway, and received 75 calls as a result.
Theirs was the first venture capital firm to run an advertisement.
What kind of political freedom do we have if I can't run an advertisement supporting a candidate close to an election?
However, it was probably before 1837, because in 1857 he ran an advertisement claiming that some of his wines were 20 years old.
Anderson ran an advertisement on October 6, 13, and 20 looking to fill the contract.
"I'd like to run an advertisement in the paper if you'll let me pay in work.
The company, which refuses to comment, is playing the campaign in a low-key manner, and as yet has not run an advertisement for the albums.
In it, a young boy, tired of being yelled at by his parents, runs an advertisement offering to trade them for some other child's parents.
Bloomingdale's put a short pleated skirt priced at $90 on the floor and sold 20 of 100 pieces the day before it ran an advertisement.
The tradition dates back to 1955 when a Colorado Springs store ran an advertisement encouraging local children to call a special telephone hot line.
She has also run an advertisement in which she toted a shotgun to underscore her opposition to gun control.
Secondly, we have never run an advertisement on human rights violations in Iraqi Occupied Kuwait.
Forty years ago today, electronics and semiconductor trade newspaper Electronic News ran an advertisement for a new kind of chip.
Prior to its next meeting the commission ran an advertisement in The Murfreesboro Post newspaper.
The town of Simsbury ran an advertisement offering property tax relief and staff assistance to anyone willing to relocate the dwelling.
Bebout ran an advertisement to show that he had strong party support, compared to the maverick rancher and attorney Hunkins.
NOT long ago Tiffany & Company ran an advertisement for a choker.
The state Republican Party recently ran an advertisement in Connecticut newspapers showing a man with empty pockets turned inside out.
On Tuesday the Republican National Committee will begin running an advertisement that hits the same theme.
In the fall of 1991, Benetton ran an advertisement showing a newborn baby, unwashed, umbilical cord still attached.
In 1976, the company ran an advertisement in Adweek declaring its pain at losing a Honda account.
Mr. Harkin's campaign is running an advertisement that credits him with "battling to save America's family farms."
He said he had the lead in the race until Mr. Maloney ran an advertisement featuring a rat.