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Does she want to run for election against the Mayor?
"This person knew they were going to run for election in four years," he said.
I have 10 candidates running for election this year, and the No. 1 issue is schools.
Members of Parliament do not run for election, they stand.
But she must run for election in November to hold on to the seat.
Some say they believe, too, that he had considered running for election in other states and also as a Democrat.
He ran for election and became an Illinois state senator.
The big cheese, the actual guy who had to run for election.
A small number of independent candidates also ran for election.
She declined to run for election as governor in her own right.
"Nobody wants to make deep new cuts when they are running for election."
A former city mayor was running for election, in case the vote failed.
The term ended a few months later, and the judge ran for election.
Also, only part of the Senate runs for election during elections.
We must discount 90 percent of what candidates say when they are running for election.
He ran for election to a full term that November, and won.
At a minimum, any Democrat running for election in a red state should read this book.
He declined to run for election again in 1962, returning to his private law practice.
The group's members are not running themselves running for election.
And in a second term, freed of ever having to run for election again, it will probably have even less effect.
Democrats hope the vote will work against Republicans running for election in farm states this fall.
And at the same time, he would be running for election to his own four-year term as governor.
"The only safe time to take a vacation is the two weeks before the legislators have to run for election."
Judges must run for election here, and they often seek support from police unions.
The justices' terms are staggered; they do not all run for election in the same years.