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The completed works do not add to the desperately needed rural infrastructure.
The war had involved every major urban area in China, and badly damaged the rural infrastructure.
An additional $120 million, he said, is in the works, most of it for improving rural infrastructure and building roads.
They represent an important part of the rural infrastructure.
This has been supported by the state government which provided subsidies, particularly to improve rural infrastructure.
We can also improve rural infrastructure by increasing access to high-speed internet and cell phone service.
There is massive interdependence between farming and its rural infrastructure.
The government scheme has failed to improve India's awful rural infrastructure.
Rural infrastructure such as power, road transport facilities are in a poor state," he said.
An old baking house reminds on this old rural infrastructure.
Utility services are the foundation of rural infrastructure.
Hays improved rural infrastructure and took measures to help teach agricultural practices.
This includes the identification, design, construction, rehabilitation, operation and maintenance of rural infrastructure based on community's needs.
Rural infrastructure is particularly important in enabling agricultural exports in developing countries.
For example, it has been reported that Zambia used savings to drastically increase its investment in health, education, and rural infrastructure.
Farmers had insufficient funding for rural infrastructure and support services while real estate developers agreed on better deals.
It oversaw the development of the rural infrastructure.
Another problem of rapid urbanization is the fall in investments in rural infrastructure.
We are aware of the serious threat to Europe's rural infrastructure through rural depopulation.
Yet the plan failed to stimulate substantial private industrial investment and to raise significantly the expenditure on rural infrastructure development.
A rural infrastructure bank to help undeveloped counties.
A five-year plan released in 1973 focused state investments into agriculture, rural infrastructure and cottage industries.
The funds collected stay primarily in the community and are used for local development projects, including schools, clinics and rural infrastructure.
Without investment in Europe's rural infrastructure, the EU would not function as it does today.
At the centre of report's proposals is the further expansion of rural infrastructure to offer women new prospects and employment opportunities.