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A ryot spreads through the village and 16 innocent villagers are brutally massacred.
Traa is also the President of a production company known as Ryot Entertainment.
Liberty and Ryot appeared on the first season of The Amazing Race Australia.
Zerat was mainly responsible for a change in traditional forms of agricultural organization in some parts of India, replacing the ryot system.
Wilson has three siblings; Liberty, Ryot and Annachi.
The extent of the discontent against the Justice government is reflected in an article of Zamin Ryot:
SADHU CHURN, a neighbouring Ryot.
The first of these, "zerat", is used if the land is in the planter's sole possession, and the ryot employed to work the land is a hired labourer.
The Tezpur Ryot Sabha sent Kali Krishna Barkakoti to as its delegate to the National Congress in 1885.
The editor of the Culcutta based "Rees and Ryot" Sambhu Chandra Mukherji read it and re-published it in his magazine.
Ryot originates from the Hindi word ra'īyat and the Arabic word ra'īyah, translated as "flock" or "peasants", in turn originating from the word ra'ā, meaning "pasture".
The Dr. Knisley Covered Bridge and Ryot Covered Bridge were listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1980.
The farmer with the help of the ecrivain (Village Administrative Officer) had to draw up every year a contract called patta stating the extent of lands cultivated by the ryot and taxes due on such land.
The commission recommended the replacement of the zemindari system by a ryotwari (tenancy) system in which the ownership of land would vest with the ryot (tenant) and the land revenue payable by him could be revised periodically.
The ryot (or raiyat) ("peasant") was a small land holder who took financial support from the planter and in return had to come to a written understanding to turn over the produce from his land to the planter at a predetermined amount.
The ryot option was preferred by the planter, as his involvement was limited only to finance the cultivation and not pay for any other costs of labour and other inputs required to raise the crop or even loss of crop, particularly in indigo cultivation.
Few years before the birth of the Indian National Congress in Bombay in 1885, the Tezpur Ryot Sabha was formed by a group of enlightened people primarily to protest against the enhancement of land revenue and to ventilate other public grievances .