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Because that in fact is sacrilegious, across every religious group.
To carry on without him right away seemed almost sacrilegious.
To him, getting up early on a Sunday seemed sacrilegious, particularly if you had a woman around.
It was probably sacrilegious or something to ignore the opportunity.
To Scarlett, the very idea of saying such things to her own mother was almost sacrilegious.
Now, it's almost sacrilegious to talk about anything other than the war."
Some may have considered this to be sacrilegious, frivolous or out of place.
Even the farmers would have considered it sacrilegious to suggest anything different.
It was considered sacrilegious to stage a work based on a Bible story.
However, this time he does it in a humorous and sacrilegious way.
However, such practices were condemned by the Church as sacrilegious.
It seemed almost sacrilegious to be sneaking into this place at night.
The park has no basketball court, a situation Bob would describe as nothing less than sacrilegious.
They were silent at last, for the sound of their voices seemed sacrilegious in this place.
Soon we will put an end to your sacrilegious existence."
A stove would have been looked upon as a sacrilegious innovation.
"It's sacrilegious to have this so close to a cemetery."
Better still, it is no longer sacrilegious to ask the question: should the whole project not be put on the back burner?
Jim refused to participate in what he considered a sacrilegious act.
The sacrilegious outrage that took place here has not been forgotten.
It would be sacrilegious, in other words, to tower over the antenna.
Motors should be forbidden in a place like this; they are sacrilegious!
There were people who said it was sacrilegious to switch."
When a newspaper is shut down after publishing a sacrilegious letter.
The effect was growing discontent with the form of justice that required sacrilegious war.