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By 1910, he was being used as a saddle horse in California.
Now Jack here, he's going to make someone a good saddle horse.
A man living my land of life never would let himself get caught without a gun or a saddle horse.
"Maybe he wants to give it to the Princess for a saddle horse!"
It is used as a saddle horse and for hauling.
They wanted to put him down but I wouldn't let them; he's all right as a saddle horse.
In a few minutes, he led the saddled horse to the door of the cabin.
I've a pack outfit and a couple of saddle horses with me.
He then threw the cover onto the new saddled horse.
They would be rushing to saddle horses even now to give chase.
Regan was waiting for them with the three saddled horses.
The only living creature in sight was a saddled horse.
He turned from the porch and ducked back for his saddle horse.
The saddle horses come into the corral early every morning for feed.
Five saddle horses along with the mud wagon were standing in front now instead of three.
Blade looked at the two saddled horses waiting ten feet to the left.
There were a dozen people on the street, two wagons, and several saddle horses.
Near them, half a dozen splendid saddle horses were tied.
The man minded his business, kept to himself, and he trained some fine saddle horses.
He'd bought land and was planning to raise saddle horses after his retirement.
Then he saw the Russian leading two saddled horses back to the hut.
On the other side a saddled horse stood ready.
They had two pack horses in addition to a saddle horse for each traveler.
Today they are mainly used as saddle horses, although some have been successful in carriage driving.
But the saddle horse was rented at times to folks of whom Sam approved.