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Check our latest price list for all the details on sale items.
They either had to find a cheaper dress or give up the extra sale items.
A significantly higher number of violations occur on sale items.
The front window is ornamented with prices of sale items.
There will be no reserve on the sale items.
There's also information on sale items, transport and safety products available for hire.
She bought the dress and all the sale items.
The 14-year-old son of his garage landlord picked up sale items and shipped them.
A talking turkey trotted through the store, announcing sale items.
Sale items are displayed in much the same fashion.
Often the store brand at full price is going to be cheaper than brand-name sale items.
All sale items must be labeled with both the original and the sale prices.
Except for a few sale items every month, the chain promises everyday low prices on major brands.
A further ten to 15 per cent reduction on many half-price sale items during the first three days.
Among the most popular features are the reader ads, where residents can advertise sale items free.
"Couldn't you have bought the sale items and a different dress for $200?"
There is no inventory of sale items available.
Determining the original price of a sale item given the rate of discount, for example.
Also in the catalogue of sale items is a music box from the suite used by the bordello manager.
The other was a mimeographed form letter from a furniture store listing their latest sale items.
He rushed upstairs, where Wang and her two daughters were perusing the sale items.
They can also scan for sale items, compare products based on cost per ounce or unit, and use coupons.
It is no bargain, but it does have the beguiling ring of a sale item.
You don't have to pay admission to enter the shop, but the sale items are art-inspired.
Try not to buy anything that's not on your list, but be open to unexpected sale items that you know you will use.