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"But I guess she chose to make the point a little more saliently."
There are a number of languages that mark aspect much more saliently than time.
More saliently however, it was my family background that set off alarm bells.
Most saliently, voiced geminates are prohibited in native Japanese words.
More saliently, what would happen to their backers, who are often investors in New York productions?
Although not as saliently perceived, the heart and base-notes contribute much to the scent in the top notes.
More saliently, the primary means by which most people are learning about - and subscribing to - satellite radio is through automobile sales.
To bring out saliently the differences between two points-of-view is useful to both in measuring the position of each in the whole.
Even those who simply call tend to make their points saliently enough that the code enforcers need to hold the phone away from their ears.
"Most saliently, for the currently injured, the critical goal is generous immediate payments," Justice Ginsburg wrote.
Mr. Black saliently observes the historical amnesia of Americans and, therefore, the extent to which history repeats itself.
The areal form is used when the possessor is saliently areal, spatial, or an extent of time.
The narrator tells us that he has failed to enter this world, to conform to any model of adulthood, or, more saliently, to assume any distinct form.
Most saliently, we both recognize the critically important role played by academic biomedical scientists in making discoveries and in facilitating their efficient translation into beneficial products.
As Toni Pickard has saliently pointed out, it is possible for a man to ascertain whether a woman is consenting or not with minimal effort.
One is to emphasize often-overlooked colder, darker notes in his character, those that emerge more saliently in the second part of "Henry IV."
Perhaps most saliently, by joining the Allies in 1916, Romania's vulnerable boomerang shape and its being almost surrounded by hostile countries made its defeat inevitable.
Everyday Aesthetics is a recent subfield of philosophical aesthetics focusing on everyday events, settings and activities in which the faculty of sensibility is saliently at stake.
Most saliently, there is a proposal to remove the requirement that trains be able to split within the tunnel, and each part of the train be driven out to opposite ends.
The subplot involves Cole's need to "sell a lot of stuff at Christmas," as one young character in the remake saliently puts it, because the store owes money to two banks.
Throughout the 1950s Dulles was in frequent conflict with those non-aligned statesmen he deemed excessively sympathetic to Communism, including, saliently, India's V.K. Krishna Menon.
Proponents of the older institutionalism are strongly opposed to new institutionalism, most saliently in the manner in which new institutionalism seeks to explain institutional change as merely another instance of maximization.
Asoka's Thirteenth Major Rock Edict ( 250 BCE) found in the same locations speaks saliently of the Yonas and the Kambojas but excludes the Gandharas altogether.
While not very prominent in modern English, cases featured much more saliently in Old English and other ancient Indo-European languages, such as Latin, Ancient Greek, and Sanskrit.
This does not exist in middle-class Anglo cultures, where infants are addressed somewhat like intentioned competent individuals from birth through the use of baby-talk, which saliently does not exist in Kaluli culture.