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According to Union members, this is a sanative program that has been planned for years, meant to keep society from foolishness and sin.
There are several secondary schools, one sports school, one music school, one boarding school, one sanative school, and a children creative works house.
During this period Orfelin first began to write The Big Serbian Herbalium, in which he detailed the sanative effects of 500 species of herbs.
The land, with its tranquilizing, sanative influences, is to repair the errors of a scholastic and traditional education, and bring us into just relations with men and things.
But then I thought, here is Jackson with a bullet lodged next to his heart and suffering from a dozen diseases and the fact that he is not dead may well be due to Matchless Sanative.
If museum officials have cultivated a kind of strategic naivete about the sources of their money as well as their art, this refreshingly open confrontation with politics - via their pocketbooks -can only be sanative.
Not that I might not have learned this sooner and more safely, in ways 1 shall now never know, without apostasy, but that Divine punishments are also mercies, and particular good is worked ant of particular evil, and the penal blindness made sanative.
Broader and deeper we must write our annals, - from an ethical reformation, from an influx of the ever new, ever sanative conscience, - if we would trulier express our central and wide-related nature, instead of this old chronology of selfishness and pride to which we have too long lent our eyes.