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All my usual sassiness had been, quite literally, blown away.
As she leaves Justin starts to like the sassiness in his aunt.
In recent years, however, she has portrayed them more as figures of vitality, strength and sassiness.
The sisters' voices are rougher, too, making their sassiness sound even more like an act of will.
Yet their street-smart sassiness will undoubtedly set off a worldwide trend.
"And I learned a lot of things from the Beatles about sassiness.
Commander Sassiness' compliments, and can we join her immediately?
This song mentions almost every part of the state with a sassiness that is found in most New Jerseyans.
The author (who wrote the story as a high school project) has a fine ear for Jane's sassiness, and her delaying tactics are amusing.
"That was Sassiness' parting remark to me yesterday.
It will be difficult, too, to forget the revivifying sassiness of some of the year's most entertaining dance.
So long that at last Yasmin, restored by wine, time, and silence to some of her natural sassiness, felt curious enough to prompt him.
Shannon failed to portray the sassiness of her star while Kayla got distracted by screaming fans.
Yet the pigtailed little girls who pout or jump invisible rope do so with delightful sassiness.
"The King Is Dead" starts out with sardonic sassiness.
The Chargers will be posting a Dierdorf dartboard for such sassiness.
Instantly, I regretted it, the sassiness of it.
As their first attempted pickup, Stella Abrera was stunning in her sassiness and sophistication.
He liked her sassiness.
There had been more temper tantrums than usual, more unexpected tears, more sassiness.
The gamin combines sassiness with vulnerability.
If this is what Ms. Washington means, the word's placement on a field of sequins that resembles an evening purse gives the work some sassiness.
"Nearly blew Commander Sassiness' little surprise party.
It is the reclining woman after Manet's "Olympia," the prostitute offering herself with a sassiness new to art.