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Savouriness (or savoriness), is the taste of savoury foods.
"But it's also full of umami," he says - the hallowed "fifth taste" (after salty, sour, sweet and bitter) often translated from the Japanese as "savouriness".
Mark Hix uses just leeks in his soup, which I think is a shame, because the sweetness of onions makes a lovely contrast to the savouriness of the fish.
So The Spice-Box Of Earth teems with this joyous response; it fills one's nostrils with its fragrance; it delights one's palate with its savouriness.
Also, in many yam salads where the main ingredient is not meat, cooked minced pork can be added for extra savouriness, as often happens in yam wunsen (glass noodle salad).
His mental palate, indeed, was rather pagan, and found a savouriness in a quotation from Sophocles or Theocritus that was quite absent from any text in Isaiah or Amos.
Officially the tongue map has been disproven, but the most commonly believed version of the map from back to front is bitter, sour, salty and sweet, but since then umami (savouriness) has been discovered.