Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
There is a savviness about what technology can do.
These posters were unprecedented in their savviness and global message.
An ambition like Amanda’s is often accompanied by extreme savviness.
The tablets’ popularity reflects growing technological savviness among young children.
It’s a whole different ballgame in terms of their net savviness.
They're searching for free more than ever because it's a symbol of financial savviness."
As a bass player he is notable for unique style and technical savviness.
It's this kind of savviness that employers look for," Mills said.
But Smith’s steadiness and savviness are still being missed.
But critics should appreciate that Beijing's approach might reflect its economic and political savviness rather than a lack of commitment.
Her admirers cite this as a sign of her savviness.
That knowledge and tech savviness played a significant role in the recent protests after the disputed Iranian election.
Tech savviness is not necessarily the top priority when it comes to hiring, according to the former assistant manager.
Now let's consider the case for Palin's savviness.
"This is exactly what we got him for: playoff experience, savviness, making shots, and that's what he did tonight."
This is part of what's so insidious about press savviness: it tries to hog realism to itself.
It seems it is not just digital savviness that employers covet.
They bring that savviness to make plays.
They will not have the same innovation, market savviness and service standards as the privately run ecommerce platforms.
They are innocent and quick-witted; they make up for their lack of power with an appealing savviness.
Savviness is what journalists admire in others.
The savviness that launched Obama is in demand by everyone from Oscar campaigns to the telecommunications industry.
Toy makers have upped the ante on tech savviness.
By doing this, Tencent is showing a level of savviness about how online services must often cater to local tastes and cultural norms.
Elsewhere, rivals are showing greater tourism savviness.