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"Pretty interesting that even the popular schlubby guys are feeling the heat to look better and hotter," our source added.
Their parents appeared to be an (almost) normal, loving, sometimes schlubby couple, which made them seem all the more relatable.
By the way, rewards have not been all that infrequent for this franchise with its schlubby aura.
Seth Rogen is a single, schlubby mama's boy who still hasn't found the right girl, career, etc.
The two then pretend to know each other to outwit the schlubby security guard who nabs her.
He's wearing a baseball cap, a brown hoodie and a schlubby pair of cords.
"The portrayal of public defenders is as schlubby, disillusioned, generally incompetent people who can't get other jobs.
The inexplicable nature of dudes' attraction to each other and their competitiveness that schlubby guys are able to express on screen right now.
Gone are the schlubby T-shirts and hoodies.
But how on earth (or even on Xandar) did he go from schlubby character actor to buff leading man?
"It does seem like an unusual premise for a family film," said Pratt, who plays Wozniak's schlubby lawyer.
The messenger bag: too schlubby.
“All I saw was a kind of confused, schlubby middle-aged woman with hair dyed much too harshly.”
Dennis Quaid’s an underrated actor, but surely he didn’t feel the need to take this role just so he could be schlubby and unathletic.
Her self-destructive impulse cannot be discounted, though: She's engaged to Jeff, a slightly schlubby lawyer who struggles with their class difference.
The luckless monster is actually a schlubby human played by Rhys Darby with wonderful panicky dread.
Spacey loosely based Lester's early "schlubby" deportment on Walter Matthau.
Matt’s comic foil is his schlubby best friend, Barry (Dan Fogler), who skipped college to work at a car dealership.
McCarthy's "Win Win" stars Paul Giamatti at his most likably schlubby.
Bogosian, who grew up in the middle-class Boston suburb of Woburn, Mass., describes himself as "your basic schlubby ethnic."
He's not tubby, or schlubby, or any of the other sad-sack adjectives that could describe Segel, Rogen and gang.
Looking less schlubby than usual, in a blue shirt and a tie, Mr. Hoffman did an adorable bit about meeting her for the first time after the performance.
Rogen has become comedy’s favorite lumpen Everyman, and his rapport with Banks confirms his status as a dashing romantic lead in a schlubby stoner’s body.
This alone is ridiculous—they're totally schlubby and out of place—but then they have the chutzpah, or perhaps the cluelessness, to approach Quantrell in the VIP section.