Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Some parents simply do not know how important they are in the school achievement equation.
Still, in the past several decades the district has made its way to the bottom of state school achievement lists.
Teachers' perceptions of a students cultural background may affect school achievement.
Based on school achievements he was appointed judge at the Court of railroads and county in 1892.
The 1984 report involved the first large cross-cultural survey of school achievement in the early grades.
Voters mark a paper ballot, much like a school achievement test, which is then counted by computer.
Bright from the Start provides children with quality preschool knowledge that will be necessary for their future school achievements.
Regents exams have been the primary measure of high school achievement in the state for more than a century.
IQ scores have high predictive validity for individual differences in school achievement.
Now here's a radical idea: How about judging students' school achievement based on the work they produce under normal classroom conditions?
There is also a new flurry of research findings on how low-income families can emphasize school achievement to their children.
While most people say that it has been at least somewhat successful in improving elementary school achievement, high schools are harder to turn around.
He was also a fervent critic of one of the first international school achievement studies.
This type of disability often interferes with school achievement.
They have lower rates of school absenteeism and higher school achievement scores.
"When we try to get into such complex issues as family behavior or crime or school achievement, government just hasn't been very good," he said.
IQ scores also correlated with school achievement tests designed to measure knowledge of the curriculum.
They maintained that racial inequality had resulted in popular associations between school achievement and race.
Former Head Start children, like many other children living in poverty, were at risk for poor school achievement.
The upshot is that between 1971 and 1974, 24 percent of teachers had scored in the top 10 percent on their high school achievement tests.
Labor economists have had a field day proving that school spending is not correlated with school achievement.
Those that focus on public school achievements generally are features focusing on one student's ability to beat the odds.
The school won the Schools Achievement Award for 2002.
When low-income urban families are provided with increased wages and social supports, the school achievement of the children typically improves significantly.
Education experts and parents say there are wide disparities in school achievement and no clear indication yet that the system as a whole has improved.