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It would like to see these defined in the basic school regulations.
As well, student must demonstrate cooperation and respect for school regulations.
But there's little the federal government can do in states that pass measures relaxing school regulations.
Community and foundation special schools Requirements from the primary or secondary school regulations should be used.
There are school regulations that have to be followed in requesting special equipment or services.
Muslim students are also free to practise their faith within confines of school regulations.
However, certain articles will come into effect as the basic school regulations and the instructions are approved.
That kind of public kissing was against school regulations.
Any problems that may arise will be handled in accordance to school regulations.
Penalties will be applied under the normal School regulations for late submission.
Law School regulations do not allow for any waiver of tuition and fees.
They are however required to attend morning and weekly meetings in the school's chapel per school regulations.
High school regulations, however, are not as stringent and can sometimes be open to self-serving interpretations.
When it comes to physical education, school regulations require that every child below high school age get at least three days a week of gym.
'Some support children who won't conform to school regulations.
Because a student may be in possession of items restricted by school regulations:
As they operate under school regulations they cannot admit part-time or older students.
Academies are inspected by Ofsted using the independent school regulations.
Students in residence abide by school regulations and pay dormitory fees directly to the college.
Charter schools are free of local public school regulations and can set their own budgets and curriculum.
The palefaces told her "I torture little girls who disobey school regulations".
School regulations state that a teacher can administer a maximum of four strokes on the buttocks to a student younger than 16.
The administrator spoke on condition of anonymity because, she said, she is violating school regulations.
All school regulations apply to these functions and some, such as trips, have special regulations attached. 16.
Working with the school's counselor, administration team, and teachers, it makes sure to take corrective actions according to school regulations and policies.