Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
The school reported that he did not have any history of medical problems.
The high school reports are being sent home with students.
As of July 31, 2012, the school reported 5,010 students in 147 countries.
I live here, and know the parents who have suggested him to their children as a subject for a school report.
The school report of his son Sam lies on a table.
Most library and information science schools report a 10 percent increase in male students within the last five years.
The remaining 6 percent have entered the work force, the school reported.
Always ready to accept a challenge, his school reports had said.
Slowly he shakes his head, as if he'd just read my school report.
A There is much in what you say about school reports nowadays.
Nancy can wait five minutes for a junior high school report.
And roughly 15 percent of schools reported no incidents at all.
I'll even have to write a school report on my experience."
He sat reading the girls' school reports until she came back with a tray.
And the state's charter schools reported 147.9 incidents per 1,000.
"Must try harder," my old school reports would say, and clearly nothing has changed.
Instead, Houston public schools reported a 1.5 percent dropout rate that year.
And I had plenty of practice writing fiction in school reports.
It's not the same me they wrote about on my school reports."
Your last school report wasn't too good, you know, especially those remarks about behavior.
Last year, business schools reported a sharp decline in applications.
It was Terry that did a school report on you last year and remembered you'd lived here for a while.
We had no school report next morning; but the Union had.
Administrators from top library and information science schools report a similar trend.
On the other hand, middle schools report that the students who studied with the books arrive better prepared.