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It should be required reading for anyone involved in science policy.
He continued to write papers on science policy into his 90's.
There are a number of federal agencies across the government which carry out science policy.
She focuses on matters of higher education and science policy.
Bush did not like the idea of letting social interests and community members drive science policy.
We challenged the main political parties to answer questions about their science policy.
Q. How critical of science policy are you willing to be on your show?
"We no longer control these matters," an official in charge of science policy told him.
Obama's answers formed the basis of the Obama science policy.
Many science policy issues are raised by these developments.
America has never had a science policy, just a happy riot of different agencies and constituencies.
We believe the validity of a European science policy should be measured especially on this criterion.
Funding for space programs occurs through the federal budget process, where it is mainly considered to be part of the nation's science policy.
Science policy in the United States is the responsibility of many organizations throughout the federal government.
In addition, he has written books and essays on science policy and education.
Rubin has been in several leadership roles related to science policy and advocacy.
Research suggests that our present economic doldrums are directly related to the lack of a strong science policy in the past.
His research fields are space physics, psychoacoustics, science policy and information theory.
Science policy thus deals with the entire domain of issues that involve the natural sciences.
Thinking about the politics of science and science policy.
Under his remit fall also science policy and science strategy issues.
Another theme of Switzerland's new science policy is collaboration.
Q. When you are putting together science policy, how much do you rely on staff?
In 1959 the structures were created for the political and administrative coordination of the Belgian science policy.
"These centers are probably the single most important initiative in the Reagan Administration's science policy," he once said.