Scaled skins varied in hue over the twenty-foot length of each creature: muted sea greens melted discordantly into stunning streaks of deep violet, outlined in amber.
Her palette was pale, ranging from ivory to peach and sea greens.
Then, as though carrying nitro, the waiter slides it onto an already picture-perfect circle of sea greens surrounded by an ivory cream border right in front of your eyes.
There were crimsons and ambers, turquoises and sea greens, materials of every shade and texture.
The colors are all muted, earth browns and sea greens.
Every time the central steel platform is lighted with blood reds or sea greens, you get hints of what this production could have been.
The sea greens, slate blues and pearly grays of those paintings inspired one of Theyskens's best collections, a bold show in which he featured only full-length gowns and his first-ever pantsuits.
BOX Fish and plankton, sea greens and protein from the sea.
Fish and plankton, sea greens and protein from the sea...And then it stopped coming and they (gesture) came instead.
A wide glass shower surround frames a floor-to-ceiling confetti pattern of glass mosaic tiles in sea greens and blues.