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A result is that companies feel pressure to seal a deal quickly or move along to the next one.
He sealed a deal now because he got his price.
But in isolated cases, he said, toasting to seal a deal is all right.
Of course, emotion is more likely than pricing to seal a deal in the premium sports class.
Now, however, the chances of sealing a deal anytime soon seem slim to none.
More than a year ago, the Bloomberg administration finally sealed a deal to install the first 20.
I was real close to sealing a deal.
As footballs sailed over the fields of cars, two fans sealed a deal.
"It almost serves the Bank of Scotland right for not sealing a deal earlier."
In the end, the personal relationships that Mr. Clinton has established may be important but not enough to seal a deal.
It was the custom to retire to the pub for a drink to seal a deal on the purchase of cattle or other livestock.
The conventional wisdom is that when the housing market cools off, sellers become more creative in making concessions to seal a deal.
Therefore, they were willing to borrow from their parents or from their retirement fund to seal a deal.
He is hoping to seal a deal for a new centre-back this month, but it is the worry of who might leave which concerns supporters.
You shake hands when you meet or greet someone for the first time and when you seal a deal.
The office would not seal a deal with Ms. Lewinsky until July 27, after five more months of inquiry that heard from nearly 75 witnesses.
Still, Mr. Assad is said to be ailing and may want to seal a deal before handing power to a successor.
Virgin had every opportunity to buy BMI but couldn't seal a deal.
Some on Wall Street believe Microsoft may have to make an offer as high as $37 to seal a deal.
He first appears during "Abandon All Hope" sealing a deal with the executive of a failing bank to bail it out.
Real estate experts agree that landscaping can greatly increase the resale value of a home - and seal a deal faster by providing "curb appeal."
Mr. Pataki rejected the union's request that he come to the negotiating table with millions of dollars to help seal a deal.
Mr. Mack must start anew in fulfilling his oft-stated goal to seal a deal that will bolster the firm's asset management business.
YOU'RE one meal away from sealing a deal with a crucial client, and you have to impress him at a fine restaurant.
The same year, Girls Aloud also sealed a deal with the UK division of Samsung.
He gave a short nod, as if sealing a bargain.
It was not polite to kill someone you had sealed a bargain with.
Not at all, I came to seal a bargain.
It was like a kiss to seal a bargain rather than one for displaying affection.
She held out her hand, and he shook it, in the way of Gypsies sealing a bargain.
They'd come here last night, perhaps to celebrate or to seal a bargain, perhaps just because they liked each other.
Not enough, yet, to make him dangerous; but nonetheless he'd be well advised to waste no time in sealing a bargain between them.
He bent over and kissed me, and it was as though we had sealed a bargain.
"She is being sold to seal a bargain," said Kisu.
The thing that he drew from his pocket wasn't a contract, but it was quite the thing to seal a bargain.
'This is not to seal a bargain.
"To seal a bargain, shall we say."
In that case, we should celebrate, you and I. If you won't drink wine, there are other ways to seal a bargain.
'It was usual, at the conclusion of a siege, to seal a bargain by handing over hostages.
He refilled both their glasses, and they drank, as though they were a pair of merchants who had just sealed a bargain.
Without thinking, he spat on his palm and offered his hand as if sealing a bargain on a horse.
We met again, we were ame- nable, we sealed a bargain."
There was no sensation of touch or pressure, just a man's hand melting into hers, sealing a bargain whose implications she was just beginning to consider.
They had come from the kingdom of Thorbardin and the realm of Qualinesti to seal a bargain and to erect a fortress.
The story is full of charming details that establish a distance between the time of the telling and the time described; notice especially 4:7, in which Boaz puts on his kinsman's shoe to seal a bargain.
"He fled the house in the freezing dawn, went out to the woodshed; and there he sealed a bargain with God, as stark and unbreakable as any blood pact in Genesis - if Elizabeth lived, and the child, he'd never drink again."
As payment for use of the HYDRA weapon to soften up their enemies in the West and the former Soviet republics, Dudarev and his allies in the Krem- lin had signed solemn and secret agreements with Malkovic, sealing a bargain that benefited both sides.
Eastern North American tribes would carry large amounts of tobacco in pouches as a readily accepted trade item and would often smoke it in pipes, either in defined ceremonies that were considered sacred, or to seal a bargain, and they would smoke it at such occasions in all stages of life, even in childhood.