Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
"We also have lost seasoned people who in many cases held a department together."
He's a seasoned person who's political and knows the community.
As for the food, it is generally light and well seasoned.
Boys can become men quickly, but they're still not seasoned.
They are seasoned judges who have worked together for years.
He gets into the car and goes out like a seasoned pro.
However, she needs a few tips from a seasoned hand who moved down 20 years ago.
The pan must be seasoned with oil a couple of times before use.
They plan to project their candidate as a seasoned leader.
She also seemed more mature and seasoned than any human.
Some of the more seasoned practitioners come across well, however.
On board that night was a seasoned crew of six.
They never think they've got to learn the ropes a bit, get seasoned.
But, everyone felt the cadets might not be seasoned enough.
Certainly a seasoned traveler such as myself should know of it.
Even seasoned print workers felt that things went a little too far.
"He is a seasoned hunter and knows this area better than any."
But that alone had not been enough for the seasoned operative.
Try to buy a bit of seasoned wood, that's all.
"You can see it in his eyes," one of the most seasoned ones said.
A team of six well seasoned specialists on every technology and military field.
The eyes of the young man were seasoned now, and wary.
Well, he had expected as much from a group of seasoned diplomats.
Voters seem to want to turn to seasoned leaders in times of crisis.
The good news is that we have a seasoned team in place and all the connections are there.