More commonly, Citrine and Self took infinite pains to secure voluntary acceptance of central guidance, and were successful.
They're talking with the ladies, trying to secure acceptance for the dances.
The partnership secured citywide acceptance for the project by negotiating some unusual trade-offs.
The overall height of the antenna system at 70 feet above ground level was an aid in securing permit approval and acceptance by nearby residents.
Indeed, the English finds helped to secure acceptance of the hoax remains of Piltdown man.
Its significance for social policies, however, was that it created a platform for changes to occur in the 1940s, changes that secured very widespread social and political acceptance.
In an effort to secure public acceptance of the new pieces, these were distributed to various congressmen and other officials, initially in November 1856.
What action is the Commission intending to take in order to secure acceptance of the above principle and thereby reassure fishermen and the general public?
What measures is the Commission taking to secure acceptance of this social clause at international level, for example in the framework of the WTO?
Æthelstan still had difficulty in securing acceptance in Wessex, and he was not crowned king of the Anglo-Saxons until 4 September 925.