Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
But he did not have to be seduced into anything!
She's seduced into a relationship with the married owner of the farm where she works.
Linda said she had tried to counsel her 16-year-old not to be seduced into street life.
But sometimes he can be cajoled or seduced into going easy.
She felt as if she'd been seduced into high expectation, only to be dumped once again.
"Because it is natural I was kind of seduced into the idea that it's safe.
Do not, however, be seduced into thinking that this is by any means one-way traffic.
My mind is seduced into lingering in spaces between the real and the imagined.
Another big fear has always been of being seduced into thinking that the next album is the most important thing in the world."
Who would have thought that in seconds he could be seduced into being unfaithful to his wife?
Men and Women have been seduced into accepting the continuation of these "customs".
We had been seduced into thinking we could do that."
But, he said, they should never be seduced into thinking their policies had been so effective that there was no risk of relapse.
He had almost been seduced into expecting something reasonable.
They came and went quickly in Boston this year, seduced into full bloom by a rush of hot city weather.
Let's not be seduced into trying to answer.
The thing must be intrigued, bribed, seduced into letting us go free.
"Have you been seduced into shame by these Christians ? "
"That is-" So she had been seduced into giving up too much of her goodness!
They were seduced into increasing their equity exposure just in time for the bear market to resume.
I was seduced into some- thing like admiration - like envy.
One parent said, "I do not want my children seduced into godless supernaturalism".
They were seduced into science because they read Heinlein at age twelve.
And especially not the pain of Joshua's bitter resentment over being seduced into wedlock.
Despite at first calling the request ridiculous, Sean is seduced into performing the procedure.