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Here are some things to watch for as you practice your daily self-care.
Self-care is any activity people do to care for themselves.
Your skin does not improve after 4 weeks of self-care.
The good news is that most low back pain will go away in a few weeks with some basic self-care.
To stay well, I need more help than counseling and self-care can give me.
The problem becomes frequent or doesn't go away with a few weeks of self-care.
You can work closely with your healthcare team and practice self-care.
Chances are good that your pain will go away soon with some basic self-care.
Self-care includes the things you can do every day to feel better, stay healthy, and avoid the hospital.
With self-care on the increase, the health care focus has shifted from medical facilities to the home.
For such children, greater independence and self-care may be the primary training goals.
Health and self-care were strong motivators for women age 40-55.
"Women have not acquired the art of self-care for the neighborhood," she said.
Physical therapy, which provides education, instruction, and support for your self-care.
"At least three-quarters of patients who practice self-care can help themselves in very meaningful ways."
For a few, loss of memory and "thinking power" gets so bad that self-care becomes difficult or impossible.
Patients should be encouraged to remain active and participate in self-care when possible.
The emphasis is on health promotion, disease prevention and self-care.
Good self-care also helps decrease the risk of heart attack and stroke.
Mono goes away on its own, but lots of rest and good self-care can help you feel better.
Athlete's foot almost always responds well to self-care, although it may come back.
See this as a chance to explore new approaches to self-care and fitness.
Some speech and a greater degree of self-care are possible among the least profoundly affected.
Therefore, based on the level of severity, self-care is possible, but for the more serious cases lifelong care will be necessary.
Treatment includes medicine, counseling, self-care, or a combination of these.