The green revolution of the late 1960s brought about self sufficiency in food in many developing economies.
He believed in fostering self sufficiency among the homeless.
Yes, it increases self sufficiency, what about the prices of agricultural goods on the world market?
The farm works to maintain a level of self sufficiency.
What they appreciate right now is the step toward self sufficiency.
She had an amazing emotional self sufficiency and control provided she could play her cello.
As this resolution points out, the priority of the international community should be to ensure food autonomy and self sufficiency for developing countries.
From my experience the difficult part is to establish financial self sufficiency.
Shelter operators contend the city's plan will not promote self sufficiency or result in jobs for homeless people.
This led to self sufficiency in the area and the scramjet engine was ground tested successfully for 20s instead of the initial 3s.