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He was also known for his self-mortification and ecstatic prayers.
The story ends with Dorothy back in her old routine, but without the self-mortification.
Other sadhus practise what they call “austerities”, many of which involve self-mortification.
Despite every exigency of her training and self-mortification, she could not stop that red stream.
Did you want some more time for self-mortification?
In our practice we see this desire as either sensual indulgence or self-mortification.
Previously he had been intent on his ascetic practices and self-mortification.
(There is truly nothing like the English variety of self-mortification.)
They tried to find enlightenment through deprivation of worldly goods, including food, practising self-mortification.
Not all forms of self-mortification are approved of by the Catholic Church.
Women fasted, wore rough clothing, engaged in self-mortification, and prayed for hours at a time.
Medda practiced self-mortification as a stimulus to respond to his vocation.
Maru is said to have been at first a religious devotee whose life was given up to tapas or self-mortification.
It also has the meaning of "self-mortification".
Disengagement from the pursuit of self-mortification... is the right way...
Some contemporary Southeast Asian rituals also practice body piercing, as a form of spiritual self-mortification.
Before the Sun Dance was banned some Crows performed a particular type of self-mortification.
I happened to be at that Issa after-show party on Monday night and blinked with self-mortification.
There seems no event, no matter how trivial, that cannot arouse us to a new frenzy of self-mortification."
In ethics, it is a middle path between the extremes of indulgence in pleasures and self-mortification.
Believing that the soul could be freed by the annihilation of the physical sense they devised various means of self-mortification.
He practises self-mortification, and his self-flagellation is witnessed by bystanders, turning him into a sensational spectacle.
A yogi, states Banerjea, should not be confused with someone practicing asceticism and excessive self-mortification.
"It also displays the characteristics of a cult, including worship of the founder, known as the Father, and violent self-mortification by its followers."
Clothing designed to facilitate self-mortification.