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It would be nice to credit himself with such selfless motives, but it wasn't the truth.
But his maturity, his evident patriotism, and his apparently selfless motives could make him a rallying point for Iraqis, American officials said.
When he considered running for the school board awhile back, she said he did so for selfless reasons.
Let those who do not want to give more aid for selfless reasons at least do so for their selfish interests.
Others have less selfless reasons.
The board executive committee ruled Ranatunga's conduct "was apparently motivated by selfless reasons," Fernando said.
Against this existential threat and fraying social order, the film also explores how individual characters bend or break existing rules for both selfish and selfless reasons.
However, despite his sadistic and sociopathic personality, Romãozinho isn't pure evil and has been known to occasionally use his mischief for noble and selfless reasons.
When the ring corrupts each side, what's the difference between those who want it to do what's right and those who want it for less selfless reasons?
The British expedition team consisting of a mismatched group of enthusiasts, all with less than selfless reasons for making the journey begin their trip under less than ideal conditions.
It was not for entirely selfless reasons that one of the leagues of barons helped him to power: Sigismund had to pay for the support of the lords by transferring a sizable part of the royal properties.