Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
The semantic point seems small, but is an important one.
Here, some of the semantic information is provided by word order, and not simply from the words themselves.
"These are semantic games, and you would have been just as dead either way."
Therefore, it can also be called a semantic data model.
He does not see the semantic difference to be holding up.
But wait - are we going off the semantic track?
It does a semantic job that needs doing, that's why.
The distinction is more than a semantic one, he said.
At this early time, although, it had a different semantic meaning.
So please do not get me into that semantic debate.
I will concede your semantic point if you'll answer my question.
Detailed semantic analysis had to give way to business common sense.
These two things are very clearly not the same and so it is a semantic issue about what "important" means.
"But you are playing semantic word games here," he said.
She wondered what it would provide in the way of semantic analysis.
A semantic data model can be used to serve many purposes.
Several of the terms in the table below have had semantic drift.
Some of the differences between the Mayor and the union may be semantic.
Such knowledge bases are also used by the semantic web.
To do domain analysis, you first pick one semantic relationship.
This makes semantic knowledge independent of context and personal information.
The semantic difference would depend on whether I made it home in the next hour.
So there is possible a semantic culture of the architectural environment.
"People are getting caught up in a semantic debate," he said.
Such semantic problems require more careful development and use of language.