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They'd only had one semaphore expert with them, and he was probably lost.
At the time, it was only a small stone building, with the semaphore on top.
For many years it was usually a raised semaphore arm.
Between 1794 and 1797, a semaphore tower was built in its place.
Oh, and send someone to the semaphore tower, will you?
"We've been getting word from back home along the semaphore lines.
On 23 November 1996, the last semaphore signals along the line were taken out of service.
However after 1872 semaphore signals were used for both purposes.
Presently I looked down the track and saw a huge semaphore.
However, the truth is the photo does not spell any message at all in semaphore.
There is no need to learn all the semaphore signs before beginning to signal.
The only really important news came from the semaphores.
His messages must be ready for the semaphore tower by first light.
Sadly the use of both the tower and the semaphores were done by 1930.
It was used as the site of a semaphore station in the nineteenth century.
The value of the semaphore in this scenario is initially 10.
In contrast, a semaphore has no concept of an owner.
There are two main types of semaphore; stop and distant.
Out on the end of the point is the semaphore tower and the little barracks.
"With these, and the new semaphore stations, we'll be able to communicate within days."
Information could come and go via signal lights or semaphore.
The station also had a single semaphore signal for down trains.
Semaphore is how all the cool kids express themselves nowadays.
The results shown are from the Semaphore booth for both seats.
She was completely happy that her semaphore message had saved Joe.