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However, some semioticians focus on the logical dimensions of the science.
The congress had in that opportunity more than one hundred of visual semioticians coming from all over the world.
Were you a semiotician yourself during your undergraduate days?
Different authors have called themselves "philosopher of language" or "semiotician".
Fashion, the semioticians keep telling us, is a language.
Semioticians who study language and signs have long held that culture itself could be "read" as a vast text.
Those semioticians always muttering about "fashion as armor" might be onto something.
There is a little consensus among various semioticians related to the conducted researches.
He was a teacher, essayist, semiotician, art critic and psychoanalyst.
"You don't need a semiotician to understand this.
The advertising industry is constantly looking for new ways to "encode reality," as semioticians put it.
The musical interludes are like nursery rhymes devised by a semiotician.
A semiotician tries to find the laws of the universe of signs."
As it turns out, it's no picnic being a semiotician in New York City.
He is one of the most distinguished semioticians in Mexico and Latin America.
(Includes interviews with 29 leading semioticians of the world.)
Semioticians classify signs or sign systems in relation to the way they are transmitted (see modality).
Eco, being a semiotician, is hailed by semiotics students who like to use his novel to explain their discipline.
At the same time, almost every issue also contains articles by younger, less famous semioticians dealing with new research perspectives in semiotics.
THE vexing issue of how to portray women in advertising has been debated by everyone from politicians to semioticians.
Let Paris have its sidewalk semioticians.
We are not in the same league with the semioticians who have introduced global sign language to signs and universally understood icons to computer users.
Semioticians continue to work overtime interpreting the pacifier as a cultural sign, which is undeniably disturbing.
Roland Barthes (1915-1980) was a French literary theorist and semiotician.
Jeanne Martinet (born 1920), a recognized semiotician, is proprietor of a semiotics school.