Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
"But it doesn't cost you anything initially to just send in an application form."
I sent in an application, and they didn't even have enough courtesy to respond to it.
So, I sent in an application and found myself one of about a hundred who'd got past the paperwork screening.
Weakley says he thought about sending in an application to the game fish association for world record consideration.
The Ukrainian broadcaster announced that the selection was open and all of the performers who would like to participate should send in an application form.
Walsøe sent in an application for a patent for his invention in June 1851.
Send in an application.
Jean Atchison sent in an application and a picture of Jean Hilliker.
He sent in an application, and was called in to read for the Casting Director in Little Rock.
So the Administration of the railway sent in an application to the Government for permitting to build a new branch between Moscow and Pavelets.
However, when Ninomiya was twelve years old, his cousin sent in an application to Johnny & Associates without his knowledge.
Another longtime promotion was the Big Boy Kids' Club, offering coupons and premiums to members, who joined by sending in an application from the comic book.
Akanishi expressed interest in the entertainment industry and his mother thus sent in an application to Johnny's Entertainment on his behalf in 1998.
He sent in an application - without a response - to sit on one of the advisory committees of the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, which is in charge of rebuilding.
My dance instructor and my voice coach tell me that I'm making excellent progress, and I'm actually even thinking of sending in an application for the Miss Macross pageant.
Calhoun sent in an application for the job, and centered his application essay on his belief that the office should be used to promote communication between enlisted sailors and their command.
In 1818, the year of her father's death, Marie Albertine Caroline Wroblewsky sent in an application for an "institution of general education for a limited amount of young girls."
WHEN Reginald Brinson of Roosevelt first learned that a charter school would be opening in his school district, he immediately sent in an application for his daughter, Regine.
High-school age students 14 and above may enroll in NPC classes, while high-school students under 14 may send in an application which goes directly to the vice-president for approval.
Please note that sometimes we will require you to provide additional personal information, and sometimes sensitive personal information (e.g. if you're sending in an application to be a contributor on a political party we may need to know your political leanings).
- If you were in teh Bowel last season and you are using a new team; remove your old team from the bowel (there's a quit league option I think) and send in an application for your new team.
And organizational details may sometimes get lost in the translation: the saddest case was the Reineken Fusche team from West Berlin, which arrived ready to play but had to be denied a place in the tournament because it had forgotten to send in an application form.
In a financial analysts and investors meeting on August 8, 2006, in New York, Northfield Labs revealed that it had just sent in an application to the FDA for Fast Track designation of PolyHeme and that by law, the FDA was supposed to provide a response within two months.
A shipowner would send in an application stating the name, description, tonnage, and force (armaments) of the vessel, the name and residence of the owner, and the intended number of crew, and tendered a bond promising strict observance of the country's laws and treaties and of international laws and customs.