Many men have sent over a hundred letters to these women but they never heard back from them.
The of's are snatched out and sent over to the dealmakers, who press them into service for not too big of a deal.
The commissioner wanted to call the local precinct and have officers sent over to the house.
On the other hand, you're head and shoulders above the other people they've sent over for me to interview.
They did cartwheels: drinks were sent over to my table.
Have them sent over to my office by eight tomorrow morning.
A man is sent over from the Leningrad office with the key to the rooms below.
What do you think will happen to every piece of legislation we've sent over to the Hill?
When this was completed, the new prices were sent over Sears's national computer to the 824 stores.
"Since then I've sent over 20 people to you," he says.