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Any finitely generated field extension over a perfect field is separably generated.
Algebraically closed fields and separably closed fields are always PAC.
A Henselian local ring is called strictly Henselian if its residue field is separably closed.
Now the show is very separably directed (by Robert Johanson) and choreographed (by D. J. Salisbury).
When a field K is not separably closed, the weight and coweight lattices of a torus over K are defined as the respective lattices over the separable closure.
All tori over separably closed fields are split, and any non-separably closed field admits a non-split torus given by restriction of scalars over a separable extension.
If in addition all the maps on residue fields are isomorphisms, or if is separably closed, then is étale if and only if for every in , the induced map on completed local rings is an isomorphism.
One of the largest gains in accuracy over writing the wave function separably comes from the introduction of the so-called Jastrow factor, where the wave function is written as , where is the distance between a pair of quantum particles.
Accordingly I am invoicing you for £75 (and CNRS separately for £75) on the understanding that the tapes will be used only for this joint research and that you will be separably and jointly bound by the conditions of the contract.