Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
A hearing to settle a dispute can take three months to schedule.
It would be a standard procedure for settling a dispute of this nature.
Lawmakers must still settle a dispute over when to select a new president.
"It does seem a very preposterous way of settling a dispute."
Payments or actions ordered by a court to settle a dispute.
In the same episode, they settle a dispute of who will be at home when their mother visits.
But occasionally there came circumstances in which the only way of settling a dispute was a fight to the death.
He was away with his father at the time, settling a dispute among the tribes."
This is because under English law people may devise their own way to settle a dispute before an agreed third party.
At least half the people who've been coming to you to settle a dispute were sent over to you by us in the first place.
Going to court should be your last resort if you and the trader can't settle a dispute.
When warring children come to you to settle a dispute, do not try to determine which child was at fault.
A procedure for settling a dispute outside the courtroom.
The history of literature has not yet settled a dispute over the sacred in Herbert's poetry.
At one point he proposes to settle a dispute with the California attorney general schoolyard style.
Before a decision can be made, the Australian courts must settle a dispute over the ownership of several paintings.
But if we're asked to help settle a dispute, we can try to bring two warring parties together for their own common good."
Oh, he may accomplish one thing or another, arrange a truce here, settle a dispute there.
Last year, for example, the two sides were unable to settle a dispute over the school budget until a Federal judge intervened.
The agreement settled a dispute that kept Robinson from playing in eight exhibition games and the season opener.
I once had a letter from a woman asking me if I could settle a dispute she was having with her partner.
The case settled a dispute over the constitutional clause regarding obligation of contract.
He helps settle a dispute two soldiers are having during the Korean War.
They were asking the chauffeur to settle a dispute.
The war metaphor suggests opposing sides, both attempting to settle a dispute through violence.