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Perhaps what I felt for her was only sexual magnetism.
There was only the hard beat of sexual magnetism which told him every movement his body should make.
Did she see any evidence of his rumoured sexual magnetism?
She responded by testing her own sexual magnetism on Charles.
She is an international figure, a famous beauty whose sexual magnetism formed the basis of her early success.
He has to fight women off when they find out about his sexual magnetism.'
Sexual magnetism drew them together, but several years into the marriage his philandering began.
Or he possesses a sexual magnetism you can't resist?
Despite his continuing derelictions, Shannon is intended to be a figure of great sexual magnetism.
The sexual magnetism of the sociopathic trumpeter brought her nothing but suffering.
For years, in mirrors Micky had seen the good looks and the sexual magnetism that could get anything she desired.
Yes folks, the effects of the sexual magnetism virus on Rimmer have not worn off yet!
Already, the effect of his sexual magnetism was beginning to fade now that he was no longer there to generate it.
He had sexual magnetism and charisma and he was something new.
He was aware of her sexual magnetism, her deliberate use of it.
Try as she might, Kate found it impossible to be completely unaware of the sexual magnetism of the man.
Although Camille has more than enough sexual magnetism to get what she wants, she prefers to see herself as a victim.
Then as now, musicians had sexual magnetism.
She began to tremble from the sheer sexual magnetism emanating from him.
And, even from across the room, she was almost tangibly aware of his aura of strong sexual magnetism.
Rimmer quickly tries out sexual magnetism, and walks down the corridor where all the female admire him.
At dinner, Rimmer has taken the sexual magnetism virus in a very large dose and charms everyone.
He exuded a sexual magnetism that was palpable.
She seemed a good candidate because of her beauty and an aura of sexual magnetism around her.
Designers are creating clothes to address the sexual magnetism, glamour and allure that they exude.