Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Each shader has a local "object" space associated with it.
It adds two new shader stages to the traditional model.
Shader Smith felt bad when her parents would drop by with groceries and she just didn't have time to talk.
This has first been shown on a force field shader that changes transparency and color over time.
Imports a variable from the light shader for the surface.
This is a simple pass-through shader for the color and position.
Local parameters are applied across a program's entire data set for a given shader pass.
In a light shader, it is possible to change the L variable to any value you choose.
This is in place of having colour values set in the shader itself.
In a shader implementation, this test would be done at the fragment level.
Descriptions of this kind are typically expressed with a program called a shader.
Shader Smith's son would show up with several of his fraternity brothers, looking for something to eat.
Material is used when we are assigning any shader attributes.
The round shader between the machines held fourteen different needles.
For example, today, the number and speed of unified shader units has gained attention.
I don't care about not being able to do flashy shader stuff or normal mapping.
The Pear shader is used to press down areas of the design that need to appear curved.
In the surface shader context, there are two separate variables to control transparency.
Shading is performed during the rendering process by a program called a shader.
If no volume shader is specified, it will pass straight through to the other side of the mesh.
Additional noise added at the shader level adds a nice crisp detail.
A shader cluster is organized into 5 stream processing units.
The young Shader seemed scandalized by the suggestion that our side might yet lose this war.
When the surface shader does not reflect or absorb light, it enters the volume.
Shader lamps is a computer graphic technique used to change the appearance of physical objects.